Tuesday 4 February 2014

First Class

Welcome to Grade 9 Geography!

This is the official blog of Dr. G's grade 9 geography class.

Learning Goals: Understand what you will be learning this term.

Success Criteria: 

  • You can describe what the study of geography is.  
  • You know where to find all the information you need for this course.

Today we got to know each other a little better with student information sheets and got to know everyone's names.

Handout: Student Information Sheet

Then we discussed the course itself.

Handout: Course Outline

Then we did some trivia questions just to see how much you know about Canada.  Have a look at this powerpoint:

PowerPoint: What is Geography?

Next you all tried to draw your own map of Canada from memory... hmm... that was tough!


Find three LOCAL news stories.  Jot down this information for each story:

  • Title:
  • Who:
  • What:
  • When:
  • Where: GTA
  • Why: What is that makes this story important?

We will discuss this in class tomorrow.

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