Friday 21 February 2014

Feb. 21 – Go Canada Go!

Today team Canada beat USA in men's ice hockey at the Olympics, just as we finished up our "I Am Canadian" project.  How appropriate!

At this point your projects must be handed in.  Please see me if there were any problems.

We also carried on our Current Affairs presentations.  Everyone needs to work on their presentation skills.  Remember, when you present your news stories, try to do it in a way that would be interesting to your classmates.  Don't read your notes out!  How would you feel if you were in the audience?  What would keep you engaged?  We will continue to work on this as a class.

Next we did a pop quiz on the provinces and territories.  Surprise!  How did you do?  If you were working on your maps and paid attention, you should have no problems with the quiz.

On Monday we begin a new unit.

Have a great weekend!

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