Thursday, 13 February 2014

Feb. 13 – I Am Canadian

Watch this...

What symbols of Canada did you mention?  What does it really mean to be Canadian?

Here are the slides from the powerpoint that highlights famous Canadians and the top 10 Canadian inventions as chosen by a CBC show.

PowerPoint: Geographic Connections

Now, what do you know about each region of Canada? We tried our best to fill out this map of the different regions.

Handout: Regions of Canada

Then we discussed a few categories of geographic connections.  Here are the notes:

Geographic Connections

  • People have an impact on the natural environment.
    • Example: in 2010 an oils spill at Deepwater Horizons caused 4.9 million barrels of oil to leak into the Gulf of Mexico.

  • Nature has an impact on people.
    • Example: River Thames in England flooded last week damaging 1700 homes.

  • People's actions may affect other people.
    • Example: War in Syria causes 11 000 refugees to flee to Lebanon each week.  The total number is close to a million.

Finally I handed out the next assignment.



Finish the 50 goals assignment.

Reminder: The 50 Goals Assignment is due tomorrow!

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