Wednesday 9 April 2014

Apr. 9 – Extraction Jigsaw

We completed the natural resource jigsaw today by changing up the groups.  Now, there's one person in each group who is the expert on one of the five resources.  You are to share what you know with your new group and gather information from them about their resources.

At this point, you should have a map that shows where each resource is produced in Canada and 50 important points, 10 for each resource.

Take Action Logs

At this point, you should all be working on logs for your take actions project.  Think back to what you did so far and write it all down.  Here's a example with the details that I am looking for.

Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2:00 pm

  • Formed our Take action group.  Members are: Mr. A, Ms. B, Mr. C, Dr. E

Monday, Mar. 3, Period 4

  • Library Research.
  • Mr. A looked at charity funding from
  • Ms. B called the charity (416-555-2319) to ask if they need volunteers.

Thursday, Mar. 6, Period 4

  • Discussed Take Action with the class.
  • Mr. C explained to the class what our group is doing.

Wednesday, Apr. 2, 6:00pm

  • Dr. E called the charity (416-555-2319) to set up a time to do our project.  
  • We agreed on May 5 at 7pm.

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