Monday, 31 March 2014

Mar. 31 – New Unit!

New Unit!

Human Geography: Resources and Industries

Learning Goals: Understand globalization including it's pros and cons.

Success Criteria: You can explain and give specific examples of globalization and identify some positive and negative effects of globalization.

Today we started out new unit by discussion globalization.  What is it?  Why is it happening?  What are the positive and negative impacts?

One of the effects/indicators of globalization is increase in international trade.  So we delved deeper into the concept of trade.


Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Mar. 25 – Study booklets

Today I showed you how to make study booklets.  We folded pieces of paper into an 8 page booklet.  Here is what you should have on each page of the booklet.
  1. Map of Canada (provinces, territories and capitals)
  2. What is Geography?  Absolute vs. Relative Location
  3. Geotechnologies, types of map, 
  4. Geological histories: plate tectonics, continental drift, convection currents, cross sections and landforms chart.
  5. Natural disasters: Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Tsunamis; buildup, wearing down, Tsunami impacts, impacts on Canada.
  6. Canadian natural disasters, compare two regions, which is safest, why?
  7. How does the natural environment influence who we are as canadians?
  8. Climate regions.
This in addition to the study topics handed out last week, this is a good way to organize your material for studying.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Mar. 24 – Review

The Unit Test is now on Friday, Mar. 28!

We took up the tsunami organizer today and here are the results.
More review in the days to come!

Good luck in your studies!

Friday, 21 March 2014

Mar. 20 – Online Research Activity

Today we conducted a research activity to practice finding reliable and useful information online as well as practice collaborating in a group.

YOUR JOB: You are a real estate agent; your new client is the Belon Family, the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami survivors whose true life story inspired the making of The Impossible. They have heard that Canada is a relatively geologically safe country, but they want to know which natural disasters each part of Canada is prone to.  Your group is to consider all of your client’s unique characteristics and present which region they should consider living in. 

See the handout for the activity and a guide on how to collaborate.


These are the actors posing with the real life family that inspired The Impossible movie.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Mar. 19 – Consquences of 2004 Tsunami

Today we reviewed some of the consequences of the 2004 Tsunami that we watched the movie about before the break.

We used a graphic organizer to take note of the Political, Economic, Social and Environmental consequences of the Tsunami.  Each group got different articles to look at and then traded with the other groups.  Make sure you have some answers for each of those four categories on your graphic organizer.

The Unit Test on all the material we covered so far will be next week, Wednesday Mar. 26.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Mar. 18 – Climate regions in Canada

Today we discussed different climate systems in Canada.  We did not finish, but will continue tomorrow.


Monday, 17 March 2014

Mar. 17 – Landforms Review

Welcome back from the March Break!

Today I handed back all your work so far.  You marks are updated on TeachAssist.  If you have concerns about your assignments or marks, please see me.

Now lets see how much you remember from before the break.


By now you should have all the solutions to those handouts.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Mar. 4 – Movie: "The Impossible"

Over the next couple of days we'll be watching the movie The Impossible.  Check out the movie on IMDB:

We'll also continue with our Current Events presentations.

Reminder: Your Take Action pamphlets are due on Thursday!  If you are not done, it is homework.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Mar. 3 – Take Action Pamphlets

Today we had the class time to work on our Take Action pamphlets.  By now, you should know which organization you are volunteering for and confirmed with them that they need you.

Here is the link to the Take Action project in case you need it again.

Handout: Take Action

If you did not finish the pamphlet in class today (which is most of you), the remainder is for homework because we do not have another library day booked.